Notice of Privacy Act 

At Northwestern Skin Cancer Institute (NWSCI), we believe your health information is personal.

We keep records of the care and services that you receive at our facilities. We are committed to keeping your health information private, and we are required by law to respect your confidentiality; all of our staff follow the terms of this notice.

This Notice describes the privacy practices of NWSCI. This Notice applies to all of the health information that identifies you and the care you receive at NWSCI.

Your health information may consist of paper, digital or electronic records but could also include photographs, videos and other electronic transmissions or recordings that are created during your care and treatment.

Federal and state laws require NWSCI to protect your health information and federal law requires us to describe to you how we handle that information. When federal and state privacy laws are different and conflict, and the state law is more protective of your information or provides you with greater access to your information, then we will follow state law. For example, where we have identified specific state law requirement in this notice, NWSCI location will follow the more protective state law requirements.

Northwestern Skin Cancer Institute, LTD

Northwestern Skin Cancer Institute locations and facilities include but are not limited to the following:

737 North Michigan Ave, Suite 2310, Chicago, Illinois 60611

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